Minggu, 26 Juni 2016


(tulisan ini adalah kata sambutan yang saya tulis untuk website sebuah sekolah besar di Jakarta, yang sebentar lagi bakal dihapus dari dunia maya selamanya, maka saya kopi dan tempel disini untuk mengawetkan dan menyelamatkan tulisan pendek saya itu)

I’m really glad to welcome you to S**** N******* Secondary School where students are preparing their future.  We believe that education is actually not about “teaching” but it is completely about “learning”. This belief leads us not to be busy preparing ourselves to teach, but we are here pretty engrossed to make our students learn. We try to facilitate our students’ learning process with safe and comfortable educational environment which will give a good atmosphere for our students not only to achieve useful nowadays knowledge and science but also give them a chance to turn themselves to be reliable thinkers and calculating risk takers who possess mature characters. So in the long run our students will be educated people with fully developed potentials which ensure that they are capable of reaching their utmost capabilities.
We surely understand that our students will face different future, something that we cannot imagine today. Society is changing. We watch everything change very rapidly lately. The norms, values, tools, gadgets, social relationship, human preferences are all subjects to change. It means that, in the future of our today students, all aspects of social life, the skills and knowledge required for work and lives will be shifting. That is why we also believe that our educational systems need to be adapted to meet the needs of our students’ future so that they will be able to acclimate to the changing times. They will easily face their time and find solutions to the problems they might get in their future lives.

S**** N****** School offers a teaching and learning strategy to enrich the learning process by developing Science-based curriculum which emphasizes the relationship between subjects (integrated learning).  Our learning process will be supported by the use of multi-media, and various teaching approaches, such as ATL (Approaches To Learning), CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning), Constructivism, Leadership Life Skills, entrepreneurship program to support  our students’ multiple intelligences developments.

After all in S**** N******* Secondary school, students will experience educational process that are holistic, so that students can receive knowledge and skills from many kinds of resources, not only from the teachers and the textbooks. The education we prepare will also in the form of sharing information, teacher will only act as facilitators of learning, not to spoon-feed the knowledge. It means that student-centered learning is a mandatory teaching method in our school. Besides, we will also make sure that our school is  a risk-free studying environment . It will guarantee  our students’ self-development with a good character building. Last but not least, we at S**** N******* Secondary School nourish higher-level thinking skills to our students.

Bagaimana menciptakan pembelajran yang bermakna (meaningful learning) di sekolah kita?

  Pembelajaran yang bermakna (meaningful   learning) merupakan hal yang harus diupayakan terjadi di ruang ruang kelas kita. Pendekatan p...